
Hi!  I’m Kristene.

I’ve been performing vocally for as long as I can remember.  It sounds so cliché to say that I spent my childhood singing in church, but that experience can open doors to many opportunities.

I worked my way through college in bar bands, which landed me an opportunity to work with recording artists Frigid Pink, one of Detroit’s own original garage bands.

I worked in radio as a disc jockey in Minneapolis and in syndicated television in New York City. I’ve directed choirs, musicals, and praise bands; recorded my own music; and performed all over.

I am in Chicagoland, doing open mics, bars, coffee houses, and gatherings of all types. I’m into voice acting, audio books, and recording.

  • Kevin James from Creative Minds, LLC said when he heard me he thought “My God! Her voice is like a nice warm bath!”
  • Sherry Berger from Voice Over U added, “that’s a warm bath with bubbles.”

Is this a good thing?  Well, I’m excited to work with good people and want to be considered for your next project.  I hope you’ll find the voice reels on this site to be warm, inviting, and worth your time—along with being good enough to hire me!

Talk to you soon –